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        + ---------- + ----------------------------------- + ------------------------------------------------------ +
        | GitHub     | https://github.com/kleinpanic       | All my open source projects listed with install curl!  |
        | YouTube    | https://www.youtube.com/@KleinPanic | Watch videos I made about Linux and other stuff!       |
        | Email Me   | Email me directly                   | Email me directly about whatever you want!             |
        + ---------- + ----------------------------------- + ------------------------------------------------------ +

+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- +

Hello, My Pseudonym is Klein (Panic). It's a spoof off Kernel Panic. I am a Linux Enthusiast, and a Debian-enjoyer. I love hobby-coding and making projects for Linux systems that better improve my workflow or give me real-world utilities. If you notice or experience any issues with my open source projects, please feel free to email me with a description of the issue or open a GitHub issue publicly.

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Contact Me Directly

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