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+ ---------------- + ---------------- + ---------------- + ---------------- + ---------------- +
|      Skills      |    Education     |    Interests     |    Experience    |  Main-Projects   |
+ ---------------- + ---------------- + ---------------- + ---------------- + ---------------- +


+ ------------------------------ + --------------------------------------------------- +
| Category                       | Skills                                              |
+ ------------------------------ + --------------------------------------------------- +
| Programming Languages          | Python, JavaScript, C, C++, Java, Ruby, Go, Rust    |
| Frontend Frameworks            | React, Vue.js, Angular, Svelte, Bootstrap           |
| Backend Frameworks             | Django, Flask, Express, Node.js, Ruby on Rails      |
| Databases                      | MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, SQLite, Redis           |
| DevOps Tools                   | Docker, Kubernetes, Jenkins, Ansible, Terraform     |
| Version Control                | Git, GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket                      |
| Cloud Platforms                | AWS, Google Cloud, Azure, Heroku, DigitalOcean      |
| Mobile Development             | Flutter, React Native, Swift, Kotlin                |
| Testing Frameworks             | Jest, Mocha, Cypress, PyTest, Selenium              |
| CI/CD Tools                    | CircleCI, TravisCI, GitHub Actions, Jenkins         |
| Operating Systems              | Linux/GNU Debian, macOS, Windows, GNU/Alpine,       |
| Scripting Languages            | Bash, PowerShell, Perl                              |
| Cybersecurity Tools            | Wireshark, Metasploit, Nmap, Burp Suite             |
| APIs & Protocols               | REST, GraphQL, WebSocket, gRPC, SOAP                |
| Containerization/Orchestration | Docker, Kubernetes, OpenShift                       |
| Software & Tools               | Visual Studio Code, Vim, Neovim, IntelliJ IDEA      |
| Machine Learning               | TensorFlow, PyTorch, Scikit-learn                   |
| Data Science Tools             | Pandas, NumPy, Jupyter, Matplotlib                  |
| Networking                     | TCP/IP, DNS, HTTP/HTTPS, FTP, SSH                   |
| Project Management Tools       | Jira, Trello, Asana, Monday.com                     |
| APIs                           | Google Maps API, Twitter API, Stripe API            |
+ ------------------------------ + --------------------------------------------------- +


+ ------------------------------------- + ----------------------------------------- + ------------------------------- +
|    Degree / Certificatee              |               Institution                 |     Additional Information      |
+ ------------------------------------- + ----------------------------------------- + ------------------------------- +
| High School Diploma                   | Palisades High School, Pennsylvania       |                                 |
| Bachelor of Science Degree, Neuro     | Virginia Tech, Virginia                   |                                 |            
|                                       |                                           |                                 |    
+ ------------------------------------- + ----------------------------------------- + ------------------------------- +



|  Interests   | Experience | Expertise |
| Coding       |            |           |
| Skiing       |            |           |
| Woodworiking |            |           |
| Guitar       |            |           |
| Robotics     |            |           |
| Medicine     |            |           |
| Neuoscience  |            |           |

Work Experience

+ --------------------------- + ----------------------------- + -------------------- +
| Job Title                   | Company                       | Duration             |
+ --------------------------- + ----------------------------- + -------------------- +
| Linux Developer             | Freelance                     | 2 years              |
| Research Assistant          | Virginia Tech Neuroscience Lab| 1 year               |
+ --------------------------- + ----------------------------- + -------------------- +

Main Projects

+ ------------------------- + -------------------- + ---------------------------- + ----------------------- +
| Name                      | Language & Framework  | Description                    | Link to Source           |
+ ------------------------- + -------------------- + ---------------------------- + ----------------------- +
|                           |                      |                                |                         |
|                           |                      |                                |                         |
|                           |                      |                                |                         |
+ ------------------------- + -------------------- + ---------------------------- + ----------------------- +

Contact Me

    + ------------------------ +
    | Reach out on the Contact |
    | Page for more details!   |
    + ------------------------ +